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The Vestratto Anvil Ended My Relationship With Cones!

If you're feeling the heat this summer, that could well be the fault of the latest product drop from our friends at A Friend Indeed! That's...

FAB REVIEW: The Mighty Vaporiser by Storz & Bickel

The Mighty 'Self-Isolation' Vape When I was initially informed that my university was going to shut its doors during the COVID 19 Pandemic, I learned that...

‘Let’s Just Chill and S̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Vape Some Bud’: Consumption Habits Are...

VAPE: The Changing Face of Cannabis Consumption It doesn't matter which way you look at it... burning a flower and inhaling the resulting smoke isn’t...

‘Yocan Regen Advanced Concentrate Vaporizer’: A Review

Have your smoking habits ever noticeably led to the deterioration of your health? Do you struggle to smoke and capably manage your personal and...

10 Reasons to Ditch the Bong and Start Vaping

We all know a vaper. You know, that dude in his mid-twenties with slicked-back hair, a chain wallet, and an encyclopaedic knowledge pertaining to...

Cone vs. Bowl Part 2: Getting High the American Way

You've traveled from Australia to the US. You've learned the laws and the social norms of the different states, and you've bought yourself some bud....