Top 4 Cosmetic Procedures for Nipples and Areolas

The nipples and areolas are the central focus of the breast and chest on both men and women. There are thousands of women around the world who suffer from aesthetic problems concerning their nipples and areola area. Enlarge nipples, inverted nipples, and other cosmetic issues around the nipples can have an impact on one’s self-confidence, especially during intimate conditions. So, sometimes they wish to change the appearance of their nipples and areolas. Well, this is possible through the cosmetic procedures mentioned below in this article. To learn about them, continue reading.

Nipple Correction Procedure

The nipple correction procedure is a surgical procedure that addresses the issues linked with asymmetrical, enlarged, protruding, or inverted nipples. This procedure allows the nipple to stick out from the areola. Anyone who is suffering from any of these problems may have both cosmetic and functional concerns. Usually, nipple correction surgery is performed when the patient is under local anesthesia and continues for over 30 minutes. It can also be done in combination with other cosmetic procedures on the breast. But when performed alone, the recovery is almost immediate, and the swelling will be reduced in a day or two. A simple surgery can escalate your confidence in intimate moments, and make clothing much more comfortable to wear.

Nipple Reduction Surgery

The shape and size of the nipple are linked with any health concerns, but unusual shape and size of the nipple can cause distress in women. Many women are dealing with enlarged, hanging, or downward-pointing nipples, which often occur as a result of repetitive suction created by the baby after breastfeeding. Patients who seek nipple reduction for unusually large nipples, which is known as nipple hypertrophy, are apprehensive about the visibility of the nipples even from under the clothes. Through nipple reduction surgery, nipple hypertrophy may be corrected and results in a smaller, less hanging, more attractive nipple.

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Areola Altering Procedures

The areola can be defined as the skin around the nipple. The size and color of the areola can vary from individual to individual, and many find themselves unhappy with its size, color, and shape. These people choose to undergo areola altering procedures for achieving a more aesthetically pleasing areola. The skin around the nipple will be either enlarged, sutured, or reduced to create more round areola, which looks so much better than before. It is essential to know that scaring around the new areola can take up to a year to heal completely.

Nipple Lift

After breastfeeding, many women notice the change in the location and direction of their nipples due to the stress on them. As you grow older and have children, your breast starts to sag and become less firm. Many people will advise you to massage your breast or do exercise to make them firmer, but this will not really work. Now, what will work is breast lift or nipple lift. When the nipple is a little lower than its usual location, a nipple lift procedure can be performed. This surgery is carried out in conjunction with a breast lift or breast reduction. It is done under local anesthetics and can last up to 30 minutes. In this surgical procedure, the nipple and areola are fixed on a natural height. Additionally, according to the patient’s desire, nipples can be brought either closer together or distant apart.

Joe Lagrasso
Author: Joe Lagrasso

Joe is a dreamer, entrepreneur and an all-around good guy. He wants to connect the Australian Cannabis community from businesses to consumers.

Joe Lagrasso
Joe Lagrasso
Joe is a dreamer, entrepreneur and an all-around good guy. He wants to connect the Australian Cannabis community from businesses to consumers.
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