Season 2 of the Friendly Aussie Podcast is HERE!

Reviewing 2020 seems like a sane and rational thing to do, without much of a doubt… After all, we just went through a whole year that was wild beyond words… so we need to try and clear the air, at the very least!
Now that we’re on the other side (2021), we both feel it’s easier to look upon the events of the past with some added perspective. So, for our FIRST EPISODE of the SECOND SEASON of FAP, we decided to recount the great ups and downs of the year that just passed us by… be they personal, social, political, or climactic/biological impacts. Everything that happened last year was included (well… not everything, but a lot of stuff in the space of 40 minutes). We consider each of the factors, examining them carefully with our comedic lens, weighing up the positives and negatives to come to a pseudo-scientific conclusion.
Reviewing 2020
We diverge into making commentary on the technological and socio-political developments that have been making the news – particularly those stories that we find interesting. We go back and forth, playfully sharing our own perspectives on these matters… yeah, this goes for a while. Look, we were a little buzzed, so forgive us… okay? Hopefully, it’s still entertaining and interesting commentary for your ears.
At the end of the show, Joe and Mitch literally give 2020 a formal review – we bestow the year a final rating out of 10, just to seal the cork on what was both a cursed and blessed time… I mean, depending on who you are, and how you look at it.
We’re ramping up this year to take the podcast and our content to places it’s never seen. Keep up to date with the Friendly Aussie Podcast this year by subscribing to our YouTube Channel! We’ll have lots of exciting interviews, podcast discussions and other forms of cannabis-related video content, heading your way.