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‘Marijuana’: Splitting Heads on Terminology

Splitting Heads Cannabis. Bud. Herb. Ganja, pot, hooch - weed, dank, green. Et cetera, et cetera. There are a diverse range of labels and names often used interchangeably to classify this peculiarly potent plant. Many of us have come to know it as 'marijuana'. But, where did that term in particular come from? What does 'marijuana' really mean; that is to...

GrindeROO: This Aussie Grinder is Crushing it!

G'day FAB fam! My name's Matt and I'm one of the guys behind the GrindeROO brand of smoking accessories and merch. Our GrindeROOs have been floating about for a few years now, but this year in May at the Sydney HHI expo marked the release of our first grinder in our new signature line of sesh essentials; the 63mm...

New ACT Bill Would Legalise Possession of Cannabis

"Canberra" is supposedly a bastardisation of the local indigenous word, referring to a "meeting place". Fittingly, it has since become a place for politicians to have their meetings. This could potentially be just as true for stoners all across Australia, after a bill was recently introduced that, if passed, will effectively legalise the possession and use of cannabis across...

Legalisation and the Race to Riches

If you've been paying attention to much of the buzz around cannabis recently, you would be aware that there's a lot to gain financially out of opening up the distribution and sale of the plant. Legalisation has driven economic revitalisation in regions all across the United States, notably the state of Colorado. Australians have yet to take the plunge, but...

K-mart Coffee Grinder: God’s Gift To Stoners

kmart coffee grinder on shelves
Well... his other gift. It’s a legend so deeply entrenched within Australian culture and society that it really needs no introduction from some non-person who writes articles about weed on the internet. I haven't touched your life in the same way this coffee grinder probably has. To tell you the truth, any explanation we come up with will ultimately fail to...

Footy Finals Ideal for Seeding

If you're an Australian waiting for the 'right time' to germinate your seeds and plant them in the earth, wait no longer - for spring hath sprung, and the footy finals also happen to be an ideal time for seeding your weed. Late September to Early October is in line with weed's seasonal peak throughout most of Australia. Cannabis plants...